Wishful Thinking has its down sides, everything may seem hunky dory in the beginning but somewhere down the road of time the delusion starts to fall apart (we the Governing Body are a Faithful Slave of God and this Organization is God's earthly Organization we can do no wrong). And then reality starts to creep in and more extreme measures are used to stay in that dream like delusional state by running from the facts and a severe stubbornness to except the obvious and give up the delusion as baseless and fact-less and disfellowshipping any member stepping out of the dream like state and speaking against the Organization publically calling them liars and apostates.
The nightmare stage is when all efforts are met with one catastrophe after another until the hole dream based on wishful thinking falls apart and reality come crashing in in the form of lawsuits and bankruptcy due to unwise use of assets collected during honey stage of Wishful Thinking.